Monday, 2 April 2018

[Quote] Uthaimeen On Repentance

Shaikh Uthaimeen, may Allaah have mercy on him, said, “Turning back to Allaah is by feeling remorseful at what one has done, and wishing one hadn’t done the sin, and by resolving not to go back to it in the future—it is not a condition that a person doesn’t do that sin again, the condition is that he resolves not to go back to it—then if it does so happen that his soul entices him and he does it again, his initial repentance for that earlier sin is sound, but he must repent afresh from the following sin which he has just committed.”

Al-Liqaa ash-Shahri, 37.

[Quote] Some of the fruits of treating the people nicely by Ibn ul-Qayyim رحمه الله

The great scholar Ibn ul-Qayyim (رحمه الله) mentions:

"There's nothing more beneficial for the heart than treating the people with kindness and wishing good for them. Because by treating the people in that way, then; 

• if it is a stranger you will gain his love and affection, 

• if it is a friend and beloved one you will maintain his companionship and love, 

• and as for a hated enemy then you will extinguish his firebrand with your kindness and suffice              against his evil."

He (رحمه الله) also mentions: 

"The one who treats the people in a nice way and has good suspicion about them, his intention will be in a good condition, he will feel at ease, his heart will be well and Allah will protect him from any evil and calamities."

Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
​Published on
​Source: Madarij-us-Salikin 2/511.

يقول ابن القيّم - رحمه الله

فليس للقلب أنفع من معاملة الناس باللطف وحب الخير لهم فإن معاملة الناس بذلك إما أجنبي فتكتسب مودّته ومحبته ، وإما صاحب وحبيب فتستديم صحبته ومودّته ، وإما عدوٌّ مبغض فتُطفئ بلطفك جمرته وتستكفي شره

وقال أيضا رحمه الله: ومن حمل الناس على المحامل الطيبة وأحسن الظنّ بهم سلمت نيته وانشرح صدره وعوفي قلبه وحفظه الله من السّوء والمكاره

 2/511 مدارج السالكين