Monday, 2 April 2018

[Quote] Some of the fruits of treating the people nicely by Ibn ul-Qayyim رحمه الله

The great scholar Ibn ul-Qayyim (رحمه الله) mentions:

"There's nothing more beneficial for the heart than treating the people with kindness and wishing good for them. Because by treating the people in that way, then; 

• if it is a stranger you will gain his love and affection, 

• if it is a friend and beloved one you will maintain his companionship and love, 

• and as for a hated enemy then you will extinguish his firebrand with your kindness and suffice              against his evil."

He (رحمه الله) also mentions: 

"The one who treats the people in a nice way and has good suspicion about them, his intention will be in a good condition, he will feel at ease, his heart will be well and Allah will protect him from any evil and calamities."

Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
​Published on
​Source: Madarij-us-Salikin 2/511.

يقول ابن القيّم - رحمه الله

فليس للقلب أنفع من معاملة الناس باللطف وحب الخير لهم فإن معاملة الناس بذلك إما أجنبي فتكتسب مودّته ومحبته ، وإما صاحب وحبيب فتستديم صحبته ومودّته ، وإما عدوٌّ مبغض فتُطفئ بلطفك جمرته وتستكفي شره

وقال أيضا رحمه الله: ومن حمل الناس على المحامل الطيبة وأحسن الظنّ بهم سلمت نيته وانشرح صدره وعوفي قلبه وحفظه الله من السّوء والمكاره

 2/511 مدارج السالكين 

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