Wednesday, 7 September 2016

[Article] After Being Praised Ibn Baaz Said …

“One time I came to his house and happened to meet him after he had just gotten up from dinner and was on his way to wash his hands, his son Ahmad, may Allaah bless him, was with him. So I gave him salaam and said, ‘O Shaikh! I want to speak to you about something that I feel inside,’ I said that to him trying to avail the opportunity of having found the Shaikh alone, so he said, ‘Khair, inshaa Allaahu ta’aala.’

When he finished washing his hands, I said to him, ‘O Shaikh! Praise Allaah, because part of the good-tidings which have come early for you is the love the people have for you and their acceptance for what you say,’ and I mentioned other things similar in nature.

So after praising and thanking Allaah the Most High, he said words to the effect, ‘We seek Allaah’s Aid. We are neglectful and we need to work together upon advising and goodness, we need advice and reminding.’

Al-Imaam Ibn Baaz, Duroos wa Mawaaqif wa ’Ibar, pp. 71-72.

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