Sunday, 31 July 2016

[Quote] You will not find the taste of Imaan until you believe in Devine Decree

The great Sahabi, 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ood ( رضي الله عنه) said:

"By the One, other than Whom there is no deity worthy of worship truly, a servant will not find the taste of Imaan until he knows that what has befallen him was not going to pass him by; and that what passed him by was not going to befall him." [Al-Ibaanah, 1594]

Translated by

قال عبد الله بن مسعود رضي الله عنه: والذي لا إله غيره، لا يذوق عبد طعم الإيمان حتى يعلم أن ما أصابه لم يكن ليخطئه وما أخطأه لم يكن ليصيبه الإبانة ١٥٩٤

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