Saturday, 30 December 2017

[Quote] Beware of I, mine, and I possess

And the Muslim should be aware of misusing "I", "mine" and "I possess", because Iblees, Fir'aun and Qaaroon were indeed tried with these three expressions...

{I am better than him} [Surah Saad 38:76] is the statement of Iblees,

{mine is the dominion of Egypt} [Surah Az-Zukhruf 43:51] is the statement of Fir'aun, and

{This has been given to me only because of knowledge I possess.} [Surah Al-Qasas 28:78] is the statement of Qaaroon.

The best place to put "I" is when the worshipper (of Allah) says: I am the sinful, mistaken, forgiveness seeking, confessing worshipper (of Allah). And "mine" when he says: the sin is mine, the fault is mine, the indigence is mine, the poverty is mine and the lowness is mine. And "I possess" when he says: (Oh Allah) forgive me what I have committed (from sins) intentionally, jokingly, mistakenly, purposely, and I possess (within me is) all of that. [This du'a is part of a whole du'a reported in Sahih Muslim 2138]

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, may Allah have mercy upon him

Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
​Published on
​Source: Zaad-ul-Ma'aad 2/434.

قال ابن القيم رحمه الله : وليحذر المسلم من طغيان " أنا "، " ولي "، " وعندي "، فإن هذه الألفاظ الثلاثة ابتلي بها إبليس ، وفرعون ، وقارون، ف {أنا خير منه} لإبليس، و {لي ملك مصر}  لفرعون، و {إنما أوتيته على علم عندي} لقارون. وأحسن ما وضعت " أنا " في قول العبد : أنا العبد المذنب، المخطئ، المستغفر، المعترف. " ولي "، في قوله: لي الذنب، ولي الجرم، ولي المسكنة، ولي الفقر والذل ، " وعندي " في قوله: اغفر لي جدي، وهزلي، وخطئي، وعمدي، وكل ذلك عندي
زاد المعاد /2/ 434

Saturday, 2 December 2017

[Audio] Stick To The Sunnah And Beware Of Separating From It / By Shaykh Ahmad As-Subay'ee

Shaykh Ahmad As-Subay'ee حفظه الله

From the 8th Annual Knowledge-Base Seminar of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahhāb

Date September 15, 16 & 17

Masjid Ahlil Hadeeth, Philadelphia, Pa

Translated by Abu ‘Abdis Salaam Siddiq Al Juyaanee