Shaykh ‘Āyid Ash-Shamri (may Allah preserve him) stated:
This salafi, if he was to go astray due to you, due to your character, due to your harshness, due to your evil thoughts and your lies upon him–if he was to go astray (because of this), you will be held accountable (for that) on the Day of Judgment. This salafi who teaches the books of the Salaf in opposition to the Ikhwānis, in opposition to the Tablīghis, in opposition to the Takfīris, in opposition to the Ashā‘irah and the Sūfis, he teaches Tawhīd, the Sunnah and Salāh–if he was to stop the classes because of you and your tale-carrying, you will be questioned (about this) in front of Allah (‘azza wa-jall). Therefore fear Allah O brothers!
Source: Sharh at-Tadmuriyyah
Translated by Abu Yusuf Khaleefah
4th of Safar, 1438 (11-03-2016)
Masjid Nur Allah, Queens, NYC